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As the US deals with , and rising , you might be wondering how to save some money around the house. is one possibility, and your laundry room is a good place to start. Washing machines and dryers can use a lot of water and electricity (or gas, if you have a gas dryer), particularly if you have an older model in your home. 

If you typically wash weekly loads of towels, bedding and clothes, you might notice your monthly bills growing higher. But there are several things you can do to help save money in the laundry room, no hand-washing or line drying clothes required. 

Here are some simple, easy changes you can make to lower your washer and dryer’s energy consumption. For more ways to save around the house, find out how much money you can save by , and to save money. 

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Wash on cold

Unless a , consider choosing the cold setting when starting a wash load. A full 90% of the energy used to wash a load goes into heating the water, according to . So, you can save substantially on power usage when you use cold water.

Don’t worry about your clothes not getting clean in cold water, either. Most detergents are actually designed to work better in cold water. By choosing the cold setting you are actually getting cleaner clothes. An added benefit is , as well.

For some loads, like towels and sheets, hot water is a better choice to . But everything else will be fine in cold water.

Go cooler with your dryer, too

A higher heat setting on your dryer uses more energy. Go with a lower heat setting (and สบู่เหลวล้างมือ a longer drying time) to use less energy.

Make sure to use your dryer’s cool-down option, too. It will finish up the load with the heat that is already in the dryer, instead of producing more.

Improve your dryer’s efficiency

We still hold that lowering the heat setting and slowing the drying time will save money, but the faster your clothes get dry, the less money you spend on electricity. Improving your dryer’s efficiency can help make sure you don’t have to run your still-damp clothes through the dryer a second time. 

First, make sure your dryer is cleaned out. The airways that carry humid hot air away from your clothes should be free of lint and debris. Clogged airways will keep the moist air trapped in the dryer drum with your clothes, making them take longer to dry. Every time you put in a load, make sure to clean out the lint trap thoroughly. Once a year, vacuum out the vents and the air hose coming out of the back of your dryer, too. Here are some .

Second, you can make the transportation of the humid air more efficient by shortening the accordion-like hose on the back of your dryer. A shorter hose can because it doesn’t need to push the moist air as far. If the hose doesn’t have any excess length, move your dryer closer to the exit vent in the wall or floor, then trim the hose to a shorter length.

Third, give your clothes . Getting rid of excess water can speed up the drying process by as much as half.

Finally, don’t pack your dryer. Clothes need room to tumble around to get dry. A good rule of thumb is to only fill your dryer two-thirds of the way full.

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Always run a full load of laundry

Washers and dryers use about the same amount of electricity to wash a small load as they do a full load. So, it’s more efficient to wait to do laundry until you have a full load, but remember — don’t over-stuff your dryer. Need to wash right away and don’t have enough clothes and towels to fill up the basin? See this gallery for some that you may not have considered.

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